“I will not accept any late
assignments.” Calista Prescott snapped her laser pointer shut and swept her
gaze over the lecture hall of a hundred shuffling, slouching undergraduates.
“If your paper is not either in my hand, on my desk, or in my mailbox by five
p.m. Friday afternoon…that’s the day after tomorrow, to avoid any
misunderstanding…then you will receive an incomplete. And no, emailing me a
copy does not count. Printed copies only. No exceptions. Class dismissed.”
The air filled with chatter and sighs
of relief. The students stuffed notebooks into their backpacks and started
checking their phones. Her graduate teaching assistant, Jordan, approached from
the projection booth with a stack of slide carousels.
“If you ever want me to put your
lectures and slides on a twenty-first century computer, I would be delighted.”
He set the carousels on the table with a grimace, as if he were carrying
forty-pound cement blocks.
“The slide projector suits me just
fine, thank you,” Callie replied crisply.
“You mean the ancient relic?”
“A perfect tool for teaching ancient
With an unsubtle roll of his eyes,
Jordan wound up the electrical cord and placed the carousels and remote control
into boxes. “I’ll put this all in your office.”
As he and the rest of the class began
heading toward the doors, a barrage of anxious-looking students approached the
podium like a Spartan army on the march. Callie stiffened her spine.
“Professor Prescott, did you get my
email about my grandma in the hospital…?”
“I can’t get my printer to work, Dr.
“The book I need hasn’t come in at the
library yet…”
Callie encompassed the group in a tight
smile and hardened her heart to their puppy-dog eyes and beseeching pleas. In
her early days of teaching, she’d learned her lesson about showing any
weakness. These kids might look all scruffy, ear-pod-wearing innocence, but
they could smell blood.
“You’ve all known about this assignment
since the first day of class.” She closed her leather satchel and snapped the
latch. “No exceptions. Enjoy the rest of your day.”
The group sagged with dismay, and one
girl—Laura—bit her trembling lip.
away, Dr. Prescott.
Callie stepped back from the podium and
slipped into the cashmere cardigan she’d left on the back of a chair. She
started toward the door, her heels clicking purposefully. Behind her, the
students radiated nervous despair.
walking. Keep walk—
that a sniffle?
Her heart sank. Gripping her satchel
strap tighter, she swiveled and leveled the group with an icy glare.
“I will have extra office hours today,
tomorrow, and Friday afternoon until five. I will also plan to check my email
more often than usual. Should you encounter further obstacles in your research
and writing, you may either come to my office or email me. I will do my best to
assist you. But there will be no exceptions. I wish your grandmother
well, Mr. Hamilton.”
Without waiting to see if her remarks
mollified them, she strode from the lecture hall. Hopefully her hard-ass
attitude would still deflect any notion of weakness.
She glanced at her slim gold
wristwatch. One hour until her meeting with the senior professors in the
Classics department, which gave her just enough time to drive over to the Bliss
Cove Library and pick up the books she’d ordered through interlibrary loan.
She preferred using the local library
since the college library was always so slammed with requests from students and
other professors. Not to mention, the Bliss Cove librarian Beatrice was highly
efficient, a quality Callie both appreciated and often found lacking in other
Outside, the grassy expanse of the quad
at Skyline College teemed with students trudging to their next class, backpacks
slung over their shoulders as they balanced their cell phones with takeout
coffee cups. The May sun peeked through a fluffy layer of clouds, and a breeze
strengthened the scent of the Pacific ocean and the surrounding redwood forests.
Callie had always loved the picturesque
beauty of the small private college with its brick buildings and tree-lined
flagstone pathways. If it weren’t for her meeting, she’d have gotten herself a
coffee and found a quiet place to sit and enjoy the lovely day.
But…junior professors who were up for
tenure and trying to finish a book proposal on Greek mythology didn’t have time
to enjoy the day. Or to enjoy anything, really.
Her phone buzzed with a text from her
sister Rory: Drinks at the Mousehole tonight?
Callie paused to type a reply: Sorry,
going to Mom’s then working.
Dropping her phone back into her bag,
she got into her car and drove toward the library. Ocean waves splashed against
the rocky coastline, and downtown Bliss Cove bustled with people out walking
and shopping. Everything about the town—from the ivy-covered buildings to the
town square presided over by a white gazebo to the Mousehole Tavern tucked away
in a grove of redwoods—was part of Callie’s blood. Even when she was a child,
she hadn’t been able to imagine living anywhere else.
Flexing her hands on the wheel, she let
out a long breath. Now more than ever, she wanted—needed—to stay in Bliss Cove.
Being awarded tenure would ensure her job security and also allow her to
continue living where her roots were planted.
She followed the coastal road north out
of town to an expanse of land where a massive, old Victorian mansion sat
beneath a bower of trees. A round tower rose from the back, giving the place a
fairy-tale quality.
Grabbing her satchel, she ascended the
columned front porch and went inside. A hush filled the cool, dark air, and a
few people sat at the long tables reading and studying.
Callie approached the weathered, wooden
front desk where the librarian, Beatrice Delaney, was busy checking in books.
“Hi, Bee.”
The young woman startled, pushing her
glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Callie, sorry. I didn’t even hear you come
in. How are you?”
“Fine, thanks.” Callie set her satchel
on the desk. “I just wanted to pick up the books you ordered for me through
interlibrary loan. You messaged me that they were in.”
“Yes, the last one just came in
yesterday.” Bee turned toward the hold shelf and perused the alphabetically
stacked titles. “I told Peter to put them under your name, but I don’t see them
here. Hold on a second.”
She picked up the landline phone—cell
service being spotty on this isolated stretch of coastline—and dialed. “Peter?
It’s Bee.”
With a sigh, Callie glanced at her
watch. Forty-five minutes to her meeting. She also needed to stop at her office
on the way to pick up her notes.
An elderly gentleman approached the
desk with a stack of mystery novels, giving Callie a nod of greeting.
“Callie, I’m sorry.” Bee turned, a
frown creasing her smooth forehead. “He mistakenly put them back in the stacks
instead of on the hold shelf. I’ll run up and get them for you.”
Callie stifled a rush of impatience.
She shook her head, indicating that Bee should help the gentleman check out his
books. “It’s okay, I’ll get them.”
Before Bee could protest, Callie picked
up her satchel and hurried toward the worn staircase leading to the upper
floors. She reached the third floor and crossed the expanse of looming shelves
to the very back where the Greek mythology section was located. She checked the
list of call numbers on her phone.
Eight books—and she’d left her book bag
on campus. No time to come back later either, as she had to get over to her
mother’s house right after the meeting. Besides, she was here now and she
wasn’t about to waste time.
She perused the shelves and hauled out
the heavy books from between others that were coated with dust. The last volume
was so large it was stacked sideways on a lower shelf. Callie knelt to yank it
out and grimaced as cobwebs clung to her cashmere sleeve. Some of the shelves
had apparently never seen the benefits of the library’s cleaning budget.
After piling the books on top of each
other, she hefted the stack into her arms and hurried back to the stairs. From
the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the narrow, gated elevator,
which she usually avoided due to its advanced age. She started toward it. Her
arms were already strained, and she’d need to shave seconds off this errand to
avoid being late.
She punched the call button with her
elbow, shifting the books into the crook of her other arm. Smears of dirt and
dust covered her beige silk blouse and the front of her sweater.
She groaned. All she needed was to walk
into the meeting and face six senior professors with smudges streaking her
clothes. If Bee got her books checked out quickly, she might have time to stop
at the ladies’ room and try to clean up.
Where was the elevator? The darned
thing didn’t even have numbers indicating its location. She shifted again,
hitching her satchel higher up on her shoulder. Her long, straight brown hair
was starting to escape its usual neat chignon, which meant another repair
before the meeting.
She blew a stray lock of hair away from
her forehead and hefted the books to her other arm. Strength training at the
gym had nothing compared to hauling around Greek mythology books.
“Come on.” She glowered at the
elevator, as if irritation would make it move. If she’d taken the stairs, she’d
be at the check-out desk by now.
“Can I help you?”
A deep male voice rolled over her skin.
She turned, her gaze colliding with eyes so blue that looking into them was
like diving into a pool of pristine, tropical water.
Her breath caught. A hot shiver ran
down her spine. “Um…excuse me?”
“Those look heavy.” He stopped beside
her and reached for the books.
Reflexively, Callie clutched the dusty
stack tighter against her chest. Words dissolved in her throat. If a Greek hero
statue came to life, this man would be the result.
He was big, well over six feet, with
strong, classical features—high cheekbones sloped down to a square jaw and
beautifully shaped mouth, and his thick-lashed eyes studied her with
penetrating intensity from behind a pair of black-framed glasses. His longish
hair, a strikingly uniform and heavy shade of dirty blond, brushed the collar
of his jacket, and his wide shoulders looked as if they could bear any weight
in the world. A black strap cut across his chest, holding a camera at his side.
Callie struggled to pull in a breath.
Though her arm muscles ached from holding the books, she shook her head. “I…I’m
fine. Thank you.”
Turning, she stabbed the elevator
button again. Why was it taking so long?
He angled his body toward the elevator,
tucking a thick paperback under his arm. Just standing beside him was an
exercise in awareness, as Callie couldn’t help but notice the breadth of his
muscular chest beneath a navy T-shirt, or the way his worn jeans hugged his
long legs…
The elevator pinged. He stepped forward
to pull open the gate, extending his hand to hold the door for her. Callie’s
appreciation of the chivalrous gesture faded as she moved past him, the close
quarters causing her arm to brush against his abdomen. The half-second contact
elicited a ridiculously disproportionate surge of heat in her veins.
Stiffening her shoulders, she strode
with purpose into the elevator. Halfway in, her heel stuck in the gap between
the elevator and the floor. With a squeak of alarm, she pitched forward.
Her books crashed to the ground. Before
she could put her hands out to break an inevitable fall, he darted in front of
her, grabbed her arms, and hauled her upright.
“Careful.” Concern laced his voice. He
tightened his grip on her. Heavens, he was strong.
Callie’s heart raced. She nodded,
struggling to control her erratic breathing. He was right in front of her, so
close that she caught his scent—something earthy and masculine, like autumn
leaves and salt. She stared at the tanned column of his throat, the hollow
where his pulse beat visibly beneath his taut skin.
Was he as affected by their contact as she was?
“You okay?” He flexed his hands and
peeled his grip from her arms.
Not trusting herself to speak, Callie
nodded. He bent to retrieve her books. She started forward to help him, then
stopped. She couldn’t move. Her narrow heel was still stuck in the elevator
door gap.
“Hold on.” He stacked her books in a
neat pile on the floor and stepped to her side, putting up an arm to keep the
doors from closing on her.
Before she could issue a protest—and
really, at this point, she was in no position to reject his help—he closed one
strong hand around her shoe and the other around her stocking-clad ankle.
Callie almost jumped out of her skin.
Her pulse skyrocketed, and warmth flooded her. She couldn’t help imagining what
his big hand would feel like sliding up her calf, around to her knee, then
clear up to her thigh and…
“Pull,” he ordered, his tone brisk and
“Pull your foot. I’ve got your heel.”
A flush scorched Callie’s neck. She
silently prayed that one of her students, or worse, a fellow professor, didn’t
decide to wander by at that very second. Bracing one hand on the wall, she
tugged her foot. He pulled at the same time, and her heel jolted free from the
“Success!” Straightening, he flashed
her a smile so white and engaging that pleasure constricted her chest—and then
familiarity struck her.
Wait a second. Did she know him?
No. She shook her head to rid herself
of the preposterous idea. She wouldn’t have not remembered a man like him.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.” He picked up her books.
“Wouldn’t want you falling head over heels.”
Callie laughed, her tension relaxing.
He grinned and shot her a wink before turning to press the first-floor button. Why
did he suddenly seem so familiar?
The elevator doors closed. He studied
the book titles and covers. “Greek mythology, huh?”
“Yes, I teach in the Classics
department at Skyline.”
He glanced over at her, a crease
appearing between his eyebrows. Callie realized she was still staring at him.
Maybe he was a new resident or another professor—though of what, she couldn’t
imagine. Love 101?
Her cheeks warmed. “I’m sorry.” She
smiled weakly. “It’s just…I’ve never seen you here before, but you look
familiar. Do we know each other?”
His shoulders stiffened. A shield
appeared to descend over his features, closing off all traces of warmth and
“No.” He faced forward again. “We
Before Callie could respond to his
sudden change in tone, the elevator bumped and rattled to a stop. She extended
her arms to take the books from him.
“Thanks for the…” Her voice trailed
weren’t the doors opening? Didn’t the bump indicate they’d reached the first
Since she didn’t usually take this
elevator, she wouldn’t know. Maybe it was just slow.
Blowing her breath out impatiently, she
hit the Open Doors button. Nothing.
“Maybe we need to say ‘Hocus Pocus’?”
Though his tone was light, he frowned slightly.
For some reason, a spark of anxiety lit
in Callie’s belly. She shifted her weight and pushed the button again. “I knew
I should have taken the stairs.”
Setting the books down, he punched the
other buttons on the panel. Nothing happened. The overhead lights flickered.
“Could be the ghost of Captain Marcus.”
He glanced up at the ceiling.
Callie shot him a narrow look. If he
knew the library was rumored to be haunted by the ship captain who built the
mansion, then he was either from around here or he’d read up on the history of
Bliss Cove. It had to be the former. But why couldn’t she place him?
His frown deepened as he studied the
panel and pressed the alarm button. A buzzing noise echoed in the small space.
“So at least we know that works.”
Callie clucked her tongue with
irritation and checked her watch. Half an hour before her meeting. “Bee knows I
went to get those books, so even if she didn’t hear the alarm, she’ll wonder
where I went.”
“What if she thinks you’re just
browsing the stacks?”
“I don’t have time to browse the
stacks.” She started to pace to the other side of the elevator before
remembering they were in an enclosed space that was about fifteen square feet.
And he took up a lot of room. His presence radiated beyond his considerable
physical form, warming her from the inside out.
Her heartbeat increased. She stepped
back, trying to put as much distance between them as possible. “I…um, I just
mean I’m busy. I have an important meeting in half an hour. I always know
exactly what books I want. No need to browse.”
Oh my
god, stop babbling, Callie.
“I figured that’s what you meant.”
Amusement gleamed in his blue eyes. He pressed the alarm button again and
leaned toward the intercom. “Hello? Bee?”
Silence. Callie pulled her phone out of
her satchel and swiped the screen.
“No signal.” Her heart sank. “Big
She dropped her phone back into the
side pocket and walked one step forward and two steps back. “I can’t miss this
meeting. Do you think we can climb out the top?”
She half expected him to laugh at her.
Instead he shrugged and stretched his arm toward the ceiling. The movement
caused his T-shirt to ride up, revealing a stunning, washboard abdomen with a
light trail of hair leading straight down into his jeans. Though Callie had
always prided herself on her self-control and discipline, she was helpless
against the hypnotic pull of this man’s abdomen. Until now, she’d only seen an
actual six-pack in underwear ads, and his very real muscles—which were right
in front of her—had her fingers twitching with the urge to explore that
expanse of smooth, taut skin.
“Close.” He brushed his hand across the
panels, but they were too high for him to get a grip. He muttered a noise of
frustration. “I once did a…I mean, I can lift you up and you can try to get
those light panels off to see if there’s an escape hatch.”
“Well, let’s give it a shot.” Callie
forced her attention from his abs back up to his face. She tried to ignore a
surge of awareness at the thought of him touching her again. “I really can’t
miss this meeting.”
“So you’ve said.” A grin tugged at his
Another bolt of familiarity shot
through her. Shaking it off, she looked at ceiling. “So go ahead. Lift me.”