Friday, November 29, 2013

Holiday Party Blog Tour & Giveaway! : Bishop's Angel by Tory Richards

Bishop's Angel by Tory Richards

After ten years of sacrificing everything for his country as a Navy SEAL, Bishop is looking for salvation, and something more permanent in his life, something good. Angel, a pretty kindergarten teacher, thinks she's just what he needs. Their chemistry is instant, and explosive, only Bishop has trouble letting go of his commitment to his country. It's up to Angel to prove there's room for her in his life.

4/5 Sizzling Stars

5/5 Sizzling Hearts for Heat!!

This was a very quick hot story. One lonely tired Navy Seal ready for something good to take away all the darkness in his life. Angel comes along and shows Bishop that he might be able to have both his career and someone to come home to. The sexy times were scorching and I really enjoyed this sizzling story. I am curious to know if maybe we will get more from this couple and even Bishops other Seal friends.
I will definitely be looking into more books from Tory Richards.

View all my reviews

Enter to Win! 

• 1 of 5 digital copies of Bishop's Angel

Tory Richards is a grandma who likes to read and write smut. Born in Maine, she's spent most of her life in Florida. She's been a writer since the dawn of ages,(1965),and did it for many years before getting discovered by her daughter and niece. They encouraged Tory to submit to a publisher, and that book, Cupid's Arrow written under her real name, was on the publisher's best sellers list for two months!

Tory retired from Disney, and today she resides with her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, where she spends her time between family, four cats, and writing.

Anyone who signs up for my newsletter on the day this is posted will receive a free download of one of my books. Sign-up link is located on my website/blog, right hand side. After you sign up leave a comment on the sign-up post with your email addy. Thanks!

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This Holiday Party Blog tour is being run in conjunction with the 
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  1. I just wanted to thank you for the great review and star rating. I'm thrilled that you liked my story.

  2. You are so welcome! I will be checking out more of your work very soon!


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